Ricardo Ramos and Heidy Ramos
we are mobile massage !!


Life is Energy
What is massage supposed to be?
When we hear about the benefits of massage and its different modalities, the image often refers only to the manipulation of sore and stressed muscles from overwork or worn joints and all kinds of physical discomfort.
We must understand that we are not just a cluster of structures of different kinds, be it bone, nervous, muscular, or lymphatic. We are pure energy, and it does not contain any mysticism. 
In truth, We manage the patient's energy during the massage and could give a logical explanation if we use as an example the human senses.
Sight creates images through a series of well-combined electronic impulses (understood as energy) that, with the help of light, become detailed images we can see daily.
The ear transforms the sound waves that are nothing more than electricity transported through the air to a listener from an emitter and so on with all the senses, breaking down each one.

We will find that from the electrostatic produced by the hair in the body to the electrical impulses that the brain sends to our entire system to take one step after another when walking or understanding the flavors of the food with Different areas of our tongues, yes, we are pure energy!!
It is hardly logical to understand massage in all its modalities as the conscious manipulation (by those who understand it) or unconscious (by those who do it without knowledge) of the energy that flows and accumulates in the human body.
Because energy never dies but is transformed and keeps on moving constantly, we tend to accumulate it in different parts of the body; this is similar to when we connect a phone to charge, and suddenly we find that it has overheated due to excess electrical charge.
Being not good or bad energy; (these are attributes that we give according to what it causes in our body due to its accumulation, which can cause fatigue, exhaustion, pain, or muscular tension of different kinds); in fact, we forget that the stress is also a constant producer of energy due to hormones and various types of chemical substances that we generate when under its influence.
Therefore we must understand that beyond any mystical point of view, massage supposes to be the correct management of that accumulated energy and the proper way for the excess to flow out of the body, leaving only the appropriate balance for the harmony that we need for daily life.
When we understand this and can help people to understand it this way, we begin the path to physical and mental health and attentive service to those ills afflicting human beings so much nowadays, making the word therapeutic massage so fashionable. Relaxing, etc., we discuss this in a future article according to the chakra or energy field to which the treatment is in need.
For now, it would simply be vital to understand in the first instance that we are pure energy and that manipulating that energy will always have repercussions on our health and the well-being of our bodies.
